The other night I went to a Republican Candidates Forum in Bozeman, MT where I listened to the various candidates speak. What I heard from Bob Fanning, a candidate for Governor, was truly inspiring. He stands for the Individual Freedom of each of us. He rejects the UnConstitutional intrusions in our lives by the Federal Government. He was the only candidate, out of eight, who had a clear vision of how to return Montana to prosperity by getting rid of the oppressive FedGov controls placed on us. America used to be a great country, where folks had a hope of bettering their lives. Free choice allowed America to grow and prosper. Economic freedom was once the norm. Individual Rights, given to us by our Creator, and enshrined in our Constitution, were honored in America, once upon a time. No more. The Elite Powers have ignored the Constitution, and by doing so have destroyed the very framework of our lives that allowed America to be the shining Beacon of Freedom and Hope it once was.
   Bob Fanning, and his Lt. Governor candidate, Chuck Baldwin, understand what made America great. The other candidates mouthed policies of continuation, and subservience to, the Federal Governments reaching for more and more power over our daily lives. It is time for us as Americans to say "Enough! No more! Get out of our lives! Go back to your limited box that is the Constitution, FedGov, where you are required to be.

Shorty Dawkins
Below is an excerpt from a very old book, "The White Chief" by Captain Mayne Reid. It was published in 1885. Strangely enough, Captain Reid understood the concept of the "Bread and Circus show" used by tyrants as their empires begin to collapse. Compare this excerpt with the American Idol, Sunday Football extravaganzas of today. Is the American Empire in decline? Hopefully yes, for it was built on a lie. The American Empire has nothing to do with the greatness of the American people. We will survive, and we will thrive once more, once the monkey of Empire is off our backs. May that day be soon, is my fe 

" A fondness for "fireworks" is a singular but sure characteristic of a declining nation. Give me the statistics of pyrotechnic powder burnt by a people, and I shall tell you the standard measure of their souls and bodies. If the figure be a maximum, then the physical and moral measure will be the minimum, for the ratio is inverse.
   I stood in the Place de Concorde, and saw a whole nation--its rich and
its poor--gazing on one of these pitiful spectacles, got up for the purpose of duping them into contentment. It was the price paid them for parting with their liberty, as a child parts with a valuable gem for a few sugar-plums. They were gazing with a delight that seemed enthusiasm! I looked upon scrubby, stunted forms, a foot shorter than were their ancestors. I looked upon eyes that gleamed with demoralised thought.
   These were the representatives of a once great people, and who still deem themselves the first of mankind. I felt sure that this was an illusion. The pyro-spectacle and its reception convinced me that I saw before me a people who had passed the culminating point of their greatness, and were now gliding rapidly down the declining slope that leads to annihilation and nothingness.
   I ran across this short quote from Saman Mohammed: This is an age of darkness and evil, but it will come to an end. And fighting government evil should be fun, not mad and depressing.

   Beautiful! It says so much in a short quote. Yes, fighting evil SHOULD be fun, not depressing. I want to remember to smile each morning when I wake up, thinking of how much fun I'm going to have today, fighting the evil control freaks who want to govern our every move, our every thought, even. Yes, I will grin at every little thing I can do to foil their attempts to control you, me and the whole planet. They are nothing but a bunch of bullies, who would sell their own Mother or sister, if it meant more power for them. Sure, I'll laugh at every roadblock I put in their way. Each person I wake up to the evil happening around them is one more enemy of the power hungry globalists.
   Fighting evil, of all kinds, is fun, not sad or depressing. Let the games continue, until evil is put back in its box, where it belongs. (That box being situated inside the Gates of Hell.)

Shorty Dawkins
_What is Liberty?

The following was written by Frederic Bastiat, the French Economist and Philospher, in the middle 1850s. It is timeless, really. He speaks simple truths.

   "Actually, what is the political struggle that we witness? It is the instinctive struggle of all people toward liberty. And what is this liberty, whose very name makes the heart beat faster and shakes the world? Is it not the union of all liberties — liberty of conscience, of education, of association, of the press, of travel, of labor, of trade? In short, is not liberty the freedom of every person to make full use of his faculties, so long as he does not harm other persons while doing so? Is not liberty the destruction of all despotism — including, of course, legal despotism? Finally, is not liberty the restricting of the law only to its rational sphere of organizing the right of the individual to lawful self-defense; of punishing injustice?"

   If you have never read any of Bastiat's Essays, I urge you to do so. He is clear, concise and on the mark. His relevance to today is remarkable. Bastiat  was one of the first Libertarian Philosophers and Free-Market economists. He was pretty much ignored in his day, as the Austrian Economists and Libertarians are today, but his message, his philosophy and economics, rings true to freedom loving folks everywhere.
   With all the "isms" being talked about; liberalism, conservatism; socialism, communism, fascism, capitalism, cronyism, et al, I'm wondering why Voluntaryism isn't being discussed by more than a handful of people. Voluntaryism is really quite simple. It rest on the belief that all actions and interactions must be voluntary in nature, meaning no force or coercion can be used.
   When was the last time someone pulled a gun on you and said, "I'm going for a drink at the Bar and you are coming with me, or else?" It doesn't happen that way in life, does it? We ask people to join us, we don't force them. Storekeepers don't put a gun to your head to force you to buy their products, either. As individuals, we do things on a Voluntary basis. We don't use force, except when we participate in government. No matter how well meaning, the use of Government for any objective, is the use of force against your neighbor, your co-worker, your friends, and even those who live in other cities, towns or States. The very nature of Government is the use of force. How contradictory is that to mankind's basic nature of being free individuals? To be truly free you must allow others to be free. It only makes sense. If I don't want someone intruding on my life with Laws, rules or regulations, then what gives me the right to impose my will on someone else? It is a simple concept, really. It is the Golden Rule. It is a concept that has been demonized by those who seek to control others throughout history. Why, why, why, do we listen to them?
__The following is a quote from Joel Bowman who writes for The Daily Reckoning. I found it to be both interesting and thought provoking. The quote was part of an article titled: Freedom: The New and Future Experiment:

    "I’m reminded of Doug Casey’s observation that during the Viet Nam War, peace protestors used to carry placards reading, “What if there was a war and nobody showed up?” to which Doug adds, “What if they levied a tax and nobody paid?”

   What if ... Ah yes, the mind boggles at the possibilities. What if nobody paid taxes? Hmmmm..... Where would the Government get the money to pay the Federal Reserve for the $15 Trillion the Federal Government owes? Heck, right now they just borrow more money to pay off the Debt Notes in existence as they come due. They are not paid off. The debt merely gets bigger. What difference does it make if they never get paid off? It is not my debt, it is the Governments debt. Let them pay it off. I didn't ask them to run up this tab. Neither i bet did you.

   What if .... What if no one paid any attention to the Government Edicts that are usurpations of our personal liberties, endowed to us by our Creator, as the Declaration of Independence states so eloquently? The Government would have us believe that it was they who gave us our Liberty. Nada, nyet, and a big fat NO to that idea. Sorry, but we are born free. We are humans, not property. We each own our minds and our bodies. It is only the Goons of Government who use the power of the State, along with the Big Banks, Big Corporations, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Big Foundations and the Mainstream Media who, in collusion with each other, have attempted to eliminate our Freedoms. But what if no one paid attention to ANY of them? They are few, while we are many. What if the average policeman simply said, "That Law violates the Inalienable Rights of my neighbors, my friends, and my family, so there is no way you can get me to enforce that Law? What if the Military said the same? What if there was a grand awakening of the populace to the simple concepts put forth by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution? Better yet, what if people realized the potential to ignore the idea of Government entirely and decided to simply get along with each other? Would there be any more crime than there is now? What about those bailouts of AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, GM, Chrysler, the Big Banks? What of them? Weren't those bailouts merely a gigantic theft? It sure looks like it to me, but no one has been arrested for theft, have they? It is called legalized plunder, my friends, made possible by Government, the biggest bunch of crooks on the planet.
   Think about it. Come up with your own "What if..." scenarios. Think for yourself. Think out of the little box the mind controllers have encouraged you to place yourself. As David Icke says, you are powerful, if you would only realize.


Below is a snippet from an article from the Northern Truthseeker website. It is about the Japanese attack on Pearl Hardor on Dec. 7, 1941, the "Day that will live in infamy." According to FDR. Fot those courageous enough to investigate the truth, their is lots of evidence that the Administration not only knew of the impending attack, but had encouraged it to happen to bring us unto the war. I encourage anyone interested in the truth to read this article, and to investigate how FDR and his administration did everything in their power to provoke this attack, and to keep all information from the defenders of Pearl Harbor.
Just as Woodrow Wilson and his closest adviser, Col. House, plotted to have the Lusitania attacked, even as he was promising to keep the US out of WWI, he and House were plotting to get us into the War.
We have been lied to, and suckered for a long time. It is time for us to awaken and say, No More! Throw all the bums out, get rid of the Laws that strangle us, teach the children in our schools how to think, not memorize, and to, finally, live as free men and women once more.
Remember, freedom is up to you, not someone else.

Shorty Dawkins

More REAL History Revealed:
Pearl Harbor Memo Shows US Warned Of Japanese Attack

Being a student of true history, I am astounded by the absolute crap that is taught to our children today in our failed education system.   Our true history has been purposely hidden from our children, and instead our so called "History" books are packed with nothing more than lies and falsehoods.   It has been my purpose in writing this blog to bring true history out into the open for everyone to see and read for themselves.

One of the greatest lies in so called "recorded" history is the circumstances behind the Japanese attack on December 7th, 1941, on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor, Oahu island, Hawaii USA.   Our "history" books continue to promote the lies that this attack was "unprovoked" and a "sneak attack" by the Japanese on an "unsuspecting" American fleet.   The truth is that this attack was absolutely not a "sneak attack", and the  American government knew exactly when and how the Japanese were to strike Pearl Harbor!   The sad part is that 2400 American lives were extinguished that fateful day by the criminality of a regime in Washington that wanted desperately to get the US involved in World War II.  It was a "day of infamy" indeed.
   Research can take you in interesting directions. Such was the case during my research into the Georgia Guidestones. What started out as a matter of curiosity, soon  turned into something more interesting. I had heard of the Guidestones, and had even done a little research on them, in the past. I decided, however to do more research on them and found some interesting trails to follow. Let me take you on a little trip, if I may, from a little hilltop in a remote area of Georgia, through some important, though little discussed, history of our American past, as well as some history of the world. It gets curiouser and curiouser, the more curtains are pulled back.    Let me begin with a little history of the Guidestones themselves.
  “On one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the American Stonehenge. Though relatively unknown to most people, it is an important link to the Occult Hierarchy that dominates the world in which we live.

   “The origin of that strange monument is shrouded in mystery because no one knows the true identity of the man, or men, who commissioned its construction. All that is known for certain is that in June 1979, a well-dressed, articulate stranger visited the office of the Elberton Granite Finishing Company and announced that he wanted to build an edifice to transmit a message to mankind. He identified himself as R. C. Christian, but it soon became apparent that was not his real name. He said that he represented a group of men who wanted to offer direction to humanity, but to date, almost two decades later, no one knows who R. C. Christian really was, or the names of those he represented. Several things are apparent. The messages engraved on the Georgia Guidestones deal with four major fields: (1) Governance and the establishment of a world government, (2) Population and reproduction control, (3) The environment and man's relationship to nature, and (4) Spirituality.”

Quoted from  a website

    “In the public library in Elberton, I found a book written by the man who called himself R.C. Christian. I discovered that the monument he commissioned had been erected in recognition of Thomas Paine and the occult philosophy he espoused. Indeed, the Georgia Guidestones are used for occult ceremonies and mystic celebrations to this very day.”   Quote from Radio Liberty, from website above.

   I was able to locate a PDF file, produced by the Elberton Granite Finishing Company, in Elberton, GA, the company that built the monument. The PDF file has many pictures of the “monument” and the history of its making, along with information regarding the “purpose” of its being. The link to finding it is here:

   I will get back to the “Purpose” in due time. First some other information.

   Things were definitely getting interesting. A mysterious stranger wanting to build a monument “to offer direction to humanity”, which, in his own words, apparently, was to be erected in recognition of Thomas Paine, who you might remember was the author of “Common Sense” a widely distributed, and read, pamphlet written during the year 1776. A copy of the pamphlet is available at:

   A short blurb on the site says the following: “Published in 1776, Common Sense challenged the authority of the British government and the royal monarchy. The plain language that Paine used spoke to the common people of America and was the first work to openly ask for independence from Great Britain.”

   Wikipedia has a long biography of him:

   Thomas Paine wrote a two part essay, called the “Age of Reason”. A plaque on the Guidestones says, LET THESE BE GUIDESTONES TO AN AGE OF REASON and Mr. R.C. Christian indicated in his book “the monument he commissioned had been erected in recognition of Thomas Paine and the occult philosophy he espoused”.

   Thomas Paine considered himself a Deist. Consulting Wikipedia, again, we find the following:  “Deism: in the philosophy of religion is the standpoint that reason and observation of the natural world, without the need for organized religion, can determine that a supreme being created the universe. Further the term often implies that this supreme being does not intervene in human affairs or suspend the natural laws of the universe. Deists typically reject supernatural events such as prophecy and miracles, tending to assert that God (or "The Supreme Architect") has a plan for the universe that is not to be altered by intervention in the affairs of human life. Deists believe in the existence of God without any reliance on revealed religion, religious authority or holy books. This idea is also known as the Clockwork universe theory, in which God designs and builds the universe, but steps aside to let it run on its own. Two main forms of deism currently exist: classical deism and modern deism.”

   As it turns out, Thomas Paine was also a Rosicrucian In fact he was a member of the Council of Three, (the Fraternity's ultimate governing body), along with George Clymer and Benjamin Franklin, or so states the Fraternitas Rosæ Crucis:  the Authentic Rosicrucian Fraternity in the Americas and the Isles of the Sea, on its website at

   Manly P. Hall, the famous Rosicrucian and Masonic writer, considered by many to be the greatest 20th Century writer of those organizations, writes, in his book, “The Secret Destiny of America”, a Chapter about Thomas Paine. He praises him as a great visionary who was ahead of his time. The book may be found online at:

   Now for a little information on the mysterious man, Robert C. Christian, or R.C. Christian, who commissioned the monument to be built.  He admitted the name was an alias, and insisted his real identity be kept secret. Why did he choose that particular  name as an Alias? Could it be the pseudonym R.C. Christian was chosen as a variation on Christian Rosenkreuz, the mythical founder of the Rosicrucian Order?  Rosenkreuz means Rose Cross. Christian Rose Cross, becomes R.C. Christian, quite easily. Paine was a Rosicrucian. “LET THESE BE GUIDESTONES TO AN AGE OF REASON” is the inscription on the Guidestones. It certainly looks to me that those who sponsored the construction of the Guidestones, must, at the very least, have been sympathetic to the Order of the Rose Cross.

   Given that the men who commissioned the Guidestones, (as secret as they are), had a purpose behind having it built. Here is a portion of their reasoning:

“It is very probable that humanity now possesses the knowledge needed to establish an effective world government. In some way that knowledge must he widely seeded in the consciousness of all mankind. Very soon the hearts of our human family must be touched and warmed so we will welcome a global rule of reason.

‘The group consciousness of our race is blind, perverse, and easily distracted by trivia when it should be focused on fundamentals. We are entering a critical era. Population pressures will soon create political and economic crisis throughout the world. These will make more difficult and at the same time more needed the building of a rational world society.”

“A first step will be to convince a doubting world that such a society is now possible. Let us keep in view enduring appeals to the collective reason of humanity. Let us draw attention to the basic problems. Let us establish proper priorities. We must order our home here on earth before we reach for the stars.

“Human reason is now awakening to its strength. It is the most powerful agency yet released in the unfolding of life on our planet. We must make humanity aware that acceptance of compassionate, enlightened reason will let us control our destiny within the limits inherent in our nature.

“It is difficult to seed wisdom in closed human minds. Cultural inertias are not easily overcome. Unfolding world events and the sad record of our race dramatize the shortcomings of traditional agencies in governing human affairs. The approaching crisis may make mankind willing to accept a system of world law which will stress the responsibility of individual nations in regulating internal affairs, and which will assist them in the peaceful management of international frictions.”

   (The full Purpose may be viewed in the PDF file mentioned above.)

   This is an obvious call for One-World Government. Further reading of the “Purpose” statement will leave no doubt in anyone’s mind. What might such One-World Government look like as envisioned by the Rosicrucian and Masonic thinkers? The two societies are almost identical in their outward beliefs, as espoused by their great spokesmen, who have included Sir Francis Bacon, Manly P. Hall, Thomas Paine, and others. They also take as their inspiration such philosophers as Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras, and many more ancient philosophers and thinkers of lesser-known stature. In his book, “The Secret Destiny of America”, available at:

Manly P. Hall goes to great length to describe the vision of the Rosicrucian “Utopia”. Please take the time to read it. Hall’s Utopia is the “New Atlantis” of Sir Francis Bacon. It is the “Atlantis” of Plato. It is the “Utopia” of Sir Thomas More. It is a world governed by a benevolent Elite of the Illumined Ones, the philosophers, or the educated, who have chosen the path of Illumination. The mass of men must be led, in their view, by a wise and benevolent Elite. Of course this begs the question of who shall determine who is wise and who is benevolent.

   Hall includes a discussion of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhnaton in his work, the Secret Destiny of America. In it he has a quote from Charles Potter who describes Akhnaton as the first humanitarian, the first democrat, the first internationalist. Here is a quote from Hall about Akhnaton: "This was a Pharaoh who traveled alone through the countryside, meeting the peasants, conversing with slaves, and sharing the simple food of the poor." Notice that Akhnaton conversed with slaves. If he was such a great humanitarian and democrat, ask yourself why there were slaves in his Kingdom. Not a word of this is in Hall’s book.

   Secret Societies, as Hall points out in his book, have been around for centuries. He belonged to two of the most powerful and long lasting Secret Societies. He makes reference to the Rosicrucians and Masons as being the Illuminati. He speaks of how the Illumined Ones have guided mankind throughout the centuries. Why are we in such great difficulties today, if the Illuminati are our guides? They are self-proclaimed wise men. Or is it they are merely arrogant believers in their own self-professed goodness? Why all the Secrecy? If they have true wisdom, why not share it openly. Why not bring their wisdom out into the light of day, to be examined?

   The Guidestones, themselves, state in their Guides: “Avoid petty laws and useless officials.” Is this why we have hundreds of thousands of Laws and Regulations with hundreds of thousands of bureaucrats to administer them? The deeds don’t match the words, as I see it. “Protect people with fair Laws and just Courts” the Guides admonish. Excuse me? Does anyone believe the average man, the one who cannot afford high priced attorneys gets justice in the Courts? These Illuminated Ones have guided us for many centuries, they claim, and their Guidestones say some, (just some), fine words, yet their words are not put into deeds. What is it they are hiding? Their Utopian visions may be a Utopia for some, but what of those who choose another path. Are they to be eliminated? Is there room for divergent paths? How will their goal of only five hundred million people on Earth be accomplished? Will those who choose a different path than their own be eliminated? And what of those who choose not to accept their new religion?

   Pay close attention to the words of the  so-called great philosophers, great politicians and great economic leaders. Why do men who profess to have the wisdom of all ages meet in secret and keep the wisdom to themselves? Ask yourself if their words match their deeds. Do they speak of helping the people, yet consider only their associates in their actions? (Think bank bailouts.) Do they speak of the rights of men, then quietly deprive them of their rights? (Think Patriot Act and secret renditions.) Do men seek power for its own sake? Or do they seek the power to retain the natural rights of men?  Read carefully the words inscribed on the Georgia Guidestones. Do the words match the actions of those who profess them? Seek truth, my friends, for the truth shall set you free. Truth is not merely fine words. Truth is words and deeds, together.


Ruin & Rebuild: Warfare worth $300bln Libya windfall

Libya has big plans for its post-war future, hoping to be reborn as the next Dubai and having all the necessary sun and beaches, with oil reserves aplenty. British companies are likely to come out on top of those lining up for a piece of the action.

It was France and the UK who initially led the effort to topple Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. Britain, together with France, sent their navy and fighter jets to establish a sea blockade and assault military targets on Libyan territory.

Now the National Transitional Council (NTC) of Libya says its friends will be rewarded – and these are not just words.

In the last two weeks, the UK Department for Trade and Industry led a working party to Libya to look around at what needed rebuilding. The British government department estimates that Libyan contracts, in sectors from oil and gas to education and construction, could be worth some $315 billion over the next decade.

Oil firms Shell and BP have already held talks with the Libyan transitional government, which pledged to honor the Gaddafi-era contracts with them.

Now the NTC delegation is in London to hold talks with top business executives on the “massive opportunity to rebuild Libya.”

All this directly correlates between efforts to oust Gaddafi and contracts that are rewarded afterwards, reports RT's Laura Smith from London.

Earlier it was the turn of German companies that expressed interest in taking part in effort to re-build Libya, but the NTC said “no” to them. It was sort of “You did not participate in bombing and the no-fly zone, and since you did not take part in that, you will have no business opportunities either.”

Exactly the same picture was seen in post-war Iraq, where French companies attempted to get into business, but were bluntly rejected. And that served to the French as a very illustrative example of how they should act the next time such “opportunity” arose. In Iraq the majority of contracts were granted to the US and the UK companies.

Cody's response:

The Libyan takeover was never about humanitarian concerns. The Al Qaeda flag is flying over the building being used for the Transitional Government's
temporary headquarters. It is, and was about Libyan oil, massive rebuilding contracts, and the fact that Libya was poised to sell its oil in dinars, not dollars.Such is the reality of American Empire building. ...

_                            World’s Before Our Own 2

By Rixon Stewart on September 1, 2006
Rixon Stewart – 2001

  Housed in a warehouse in Inca, Peru, is a collection of stone tablets which carry pictures portraying advanced medical practice. The tablets were first seen and recorded by Father Simon, a Jesuit missionary who accompanied Pizarro in 1525. Amongst other scenes portrayed are pictures of what appear to be Caesarian surgery and blood transfusions as well as the use of acupuncture needles and detailed images of what appear to be open heart surgery. The tablets are not just anomolies: they open a Pandora’s box of questions and challenge everything we have been taught about our past.
 It is becoming increasingly evident that our notions of human history are not simply mistaken but in need of a total overhaul. The evidence is beginning to mount to the point where it can no longer be ignored; all across the planet archaeological finds are being made that are distinctly at odds with the conventional notions of humanity’s past and point to a revolution in the way we see ourselves and our origins.
Over the last two centuries various archeological finds have been unearthed which do not fit into the conventional time-scale of pre-history; these so-called archeological anomalies have largely been buried in site reports or left to gather dust in museum storage rooms. However the sheer volume of these finds and the very nature of some of them calls for another look at the worlds before our own.
Academic consensus maintains that the ancestor of modern man emerged one million years ago. Whilst modern man, homo sapiens, only emerged as the dominant planetary life form some 40,000 years ago; this is generally the line held by conventional archeologists and anthropologists, in spite of the fact that there is considerable evidence to the contrary.
Thus we have the case of the metal spheres found by miners in the Western Transvaal, South Africa. Over the past few decades miners in the area have come across metal spheres, often grooved, in layers of sedimentation estimated at 2.8 billion years old. According to Roelf Marx, curator of the Klerksdorp museum where they are kept: “The spheres are a complete mystery. . .They’re nothing like I have ever seen before.” Moreover the spheres are so hard that they cannot be scratched, even with a hard metal point. In 1979 several were closely examined by J.R. McIver, professor of geology at the University of Witwatersrand in Jo’burg and Andries Bischoff, geology professor at Potschefstroom University. What they found only deepened the mystery; averaging 1 to 4 inches in diameter the spheres are usually coloured steel blue with tiny flecks of white fibers embedded in them. They were found to be made of a nickel-steel alloy which does not occur naturally, and is of such a composition that excludes any meteoric origin. Quite simply they do not fit into any conventional prehistoric time-scale.
Likewise an early Paleolithic skull on display in London’s Natural History Museum would seem to defy all conventional archeology. Dated at 38,000 years old and excavated in 1921 in modern Zambia, the skull bears a perfectly round hole about a third of an inch in diameter on its left side. Opposite the hole, the cranium is shattered, and reconstruction of the fragments show that the skull was smashed from the inside out, as if from a bullet wound. Forensic experts who have examined the skull all agree that the cranial damage could only have been caused by a high speed projectile. So the fact that the skull was excavated from a depth of 60 foot, of mostly lead rock, only deepens the mystery.

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