With all the "isms" being talked about; liberalism, conservatism; socialism, communism, fascism, capitalism, cronyism, et al, I'm wondering why Voluntaryism isn't being discussed by more than a handful of people. Voluntaryism is really quite simple. It rest on the belief that all actions and interactions must be voluntary in nature, meaning no force or coercion can be used.
   When was the last time someone pulled a gun on you and said, "I'm going for a drink at the Bar and you are coming with me, or else?" It doesn't happen that way in life, does it? We ask people to join us, we don't force them. Storekeepers don't put a gun to your head to force you to buy their products, either. As individuals, we do things on a Voluntary basis. We don't use force, except when we participate in government. No matter how well meaning, the use of Government for any objective, is the use of force against your neighbor, your co-worker, your friends, and even those who live in other cities, towns or States. The very nature of Government is the use of force. How contradictory is that to mankind's basic nature of being free individuals? To be truly free you must allow others to be free. It only makes sense. If I don't want someone intruding on my life with Laws, rules or regulations, then what gives me the right to impose my will on someone else? It is a simple concept, really. It is the Golden Rule. It is a concept that has been demonized by those who seek to control others throughout history. Why, why, why, do we listen to them?

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