__The following is a quote from Joel Bowman who writes for The Daily Reckoning. I found it to be both interesting and thought provoking. The quote was part of an article titled: Freedom: The New and Future Experiment:

    "I’m reminded of Doug Casey’s observation that during the Viet Nam War, peace protestors used to carry placards reading, “What if there was a war and nobody showed up?” to which Doug adds, “What if they levied a tax and nobody paid?”

   What if ... Ah yes, the mind boggles at the possibilities. What if nobody paid taxes? Hmmmm..... Where would the Government get the money to pay the Federal Reserve for the $15 Trillion the Federal Government owes? Heck, right now they just borrow more money to pay off the Debt Notes in existence as they come due. They are not paid off. The debt merely gets bigger. What difference does it make if they never get paid off? It is not my debt, it is the Governments debt. Let them pay it off. I didn't ask them to run up this tab. Neither i bet did you.

   What if .... What if no one paid any attention to the Government Edicts that are usurpations of our personal liberties, endowed to us by our Creator, as the Declaration of Independence states so eloquently? The Government would have us believe that it was they who gave us our Liberty. Nada, nyet, and a big fat NO to that idea. Sorry, but we are born free. We are humans, not property. We each own our minds and our bodies. It is only the Goons of Government who use the power of the State, along with the Big Banks, Big Corporations, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Big Foundations and the Mainstream Media who, in collusion with each other, have attempted to eliminate our Freedoms. But what if no one paid attention to ANY of them? They are few, while we are many. What if the average policeman simply said, "That Law violates the Inalienable Rights of my neighbors, my friends, and my family, so there is no way you can get me to enforce that Law? What if the Military said the same? What if there was a grand awakening of the populace to the simple concepts put forth by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution? Better yet, what if people realized the potential to ignore the idea of Government entirely and decided to simply get along with each other? Would there be any more crime than there is now? What about those bailouts of AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, GM, Chrysler, the Big Banks? What of them? Weren't those bailouts merely a gigantic theft? It sure looks like it to me, but no one has been arrested for theft, have they? It is called legalized plunder, my friends, made possible by Government, the biggest bunch of crooks on the planet.
   Think about it. Come up with your own "What if..." scenarios. Think for yourself. Think out of the little box the mind controllers have encouraged you to place yourself. As David Icke says, you are powerful, if you would only realize.

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