
Below is a snippet from an article from the Northern Truthseeker website. It is about the Japanese attack on Pearl Hardor on Dec. 7, 1941, the "Day that will live in infamy." According to FDR. Fot those courageous enough to investigate the truth, their is lots of evidence that the Administration not only knew of the impending attack, but had encouraged it to happen to bring us unto the war. I encourage anyone interested in the truth to read this article, and to investigate how FDR and his administration did everything in their power to provoke this attack, and to keep all information from the defenders of Pearl Harbor.
Just as Woodrow Wilson and his closest adviser, Col. House, plotted to have the Lusitania attacked, even as he was promising to keep the US out of WWI, he and House were plotting to get us into the War.
We have been lied to, and suckered for a long time. It is time for us to awaken and say, No More! Throw all the bums out, get rid of the Laws that strangle us, teach the children in our schools how to think, not memorize, and to, finally, live as free men and women once more.
Remember, freedom is up to you, not someone else.

Shorty Dawkins

More REAL History Revealed:
Pearl Harbor Memo Shows US Warned Of Japanese Attack

Being a student of true history, I am astounded by the absolute crap that is taught to our children today in our failed education system.   Our true history has been purposely hidden from our children, and instead our so called "History" books are packed with nothing more than lies and falsehoods.   It has been my purpose in writing this blog to bring true history out into the open for everyone to see and read for themselves.

One of the greatest lies in so called "recorded" history is the circumstances behind the Japanese attack on December 7th, 1941, on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor, Oahu island, Hawaii USA.   Our "history" books continue to promote the lies that this attack was "unprovoked" and a "sneak attack" by the Japanese on an "unsuspecting" American fleet.   The truth is that this attack was absolutely not a "sneak attack", and the  American government knew exactly when and how the Japanese were to strike Pearl Harbor!   The sad part is that 2400 American lives were extinguished that fateful day by the criminality of a regime in Washington that wanted desperately to get the US involved in World War II.  It was a "day of infamy" indeed.

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