The other night I went to a Republican Candidates Forum in Bozeman, MT where I listened to the various candidates speak. What I heard from Bob Fanning, a candidate for Governor, was truly inspiring. He stands for the Individual Freedom of each of us. He rejects the UnConstitutional intrusions in our lives by the Federal Government. He was the only candidate, out of eight, who had a clear vision of how to return Montana to prosperity by getting rid of the oppressive FedGov controls placed on us. America used to be a great country, where folks had a hope of bettering their lives. Free choice allowed America to grow and prosper. Economic freedom was once the norm. Individual Rights, given to us by our Creator, and enshrined in our Constitution, were honored in America, once upon a time. No more. The Elite Powers have ignored the Constitution, and by doing so have destroyed the very framework of our lives that allowed America to be the shining Beacon of Freedom and Hope it once was.
   Bob Fanning, and his Lt. Governor candidate, Chuck Baldwin, understand what made America great. The other candidates mouthed policies of continuation, and subservience to, the Federal Governments reaching for more and more power over our daily lives. It is time for us as Americans to say "Enough! No more! Get out of our lives! Go back to your limited box that is the Constitution, FedGov, where you are required to be.

Shorty Dawkins

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